Scholarship Opportunities in Bahrain
The following is a list of scholarship opportunities for Bahraini high school students intending to pursue their undergraduate degree. There are two main scholarships:
Crown Prince International Scholarship Program (CPISP):
Crown Prince International Scholarship Program offers annual scholarships to ten Bahraini students (5 boys and 5 girls). The Scholarship Program benefits include that the students will have the freedom to choose the university and major. Also, the Program does not bind the scholarship holders to work for a particular organization or to even return to Bahrain. Students are also provided with internship and career development guidance, and if needed, later on, job placement. In addition to that, students are given salary at the beginning of each semester.
The selection process for CPIS is naturally very selective. Those who are considered for the first stage of the scholarship process must be in 11th grade, have an overall 97% GPA or higher, and have to take 2 exams that asses their English and critical reasoning abilities. 60 students are then chosen: 20 public school boys, 20 public school girls, 10 private school boys, 10 private school girls, to undergo the Candidacy program that to will lead to selecting the final recipients. During this period, the students take part of different courses from leadership and critical thinking to IELTS and SAT training. The final selectionwill depends on the student’s score on those standardized exams, high school GPA, and a small percentage on their critical thinking and leadership training scores.
Student who are admitted into the Scholarship, can take a foundation year in a boarding school to
increase their chances into getting admitted into a top university.
BAPCO Scholarships:
BAPCO, a partnership with the Ministry of Education, offers high school students scholarships to pursue their studies in Bahrain or abroad. Scholarship holders receive a monthly stipend, summer training in the company, and a prep year after high school, if needed. Also, years of study are counted as years of service to the company. To apply, a student must be a Bahraini citizen, have a minimum 95% GPA or what is equivalent to that and a 5.5 score or higher in IELTS. BAPCO offers scholarships for the following majors to those interested in completing their undergraduate studies overseas:
• Chemical Engineering
• Petroleum engineering
• Geology
• Geophysics
Depending on the student’s choice of field of study, he/she is placed in certain universities (US, UK and Australia). Applicants must submit all the required papers to the Ministry of Education.